Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 12:40 PM
New space..

I have moved to...
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 10:46 PM
Today, 2009. Tomorrow, 2010..

Salam everybodehhhh.

I was chatting with Captain Kambing this morning. And then he said, "Talk to you later or something. Or Next Year!" Hahahha, crazy guy.

Anyways, I went out with Kakak today. It was awesome, cause mostly we did shopping for baby stuffs. They are sooooooooo cute! I feel like having my own child now, hehe. :P
At the same time, I bought a new wallet and some other stuffs :)
Shopping is so fun. But now I'm broke. I want money so that I can shop again. I'm not satisfied enough!

A friend of mine asked me, have you done your NYR?

Hmm, not really. I remember doing my 2009 resolutions on the spot. And they were quite merepek. Hahah. Looking back at my 2009 resolutions..

1)Learn cycling.
2)Try to bank in money at least twice in 6 months. (Please
pray I got money to bank in, in the first place)
3)Tag more when going to
other blogs. I always go senyap-senyap, and leave senyap-senyap. Bad habit.
4)Take better pictures. We grow older, and I dont think we grow older to be
made fun or get mocked. Alah, we always wanna feel better kan.
people's birthdays better, and wish them!
6)Makeover for bedroom!

I tried to learn cycling.
Cash flow into bank no problem :)
Tag more? I think I did. Hahah.
Better pictures? Hm, I defnitely took more photos this year. Hahaha.
I remembered people's birthday and wished them!
Gonna paint room soon! :)

How about 2010 NYR?
Were you expecting me to tell you? ;)
I shall do my own evaluation using the piece I used last year. And I shall keep it to myself, unless I feel someone else deserves to know it too. But whatever it is, 2010. Since I shopped for pretty new stuffs, I think I want a change. And with that, this will be my last post here. I'll be moving elsewhere. Either I tell you where I'm moving to. Or you might just have to find me yourself :)

They said,
Don't cry because it ended,
smile because it happened.
Though shit happens, I'm still glad I met you. Really someone in my life. You made a difference in my life. And you taught me new stuffs. You were a complete joy. I shall keep all the good memories I had of us, even though it's sad that we can no longer make more of such memories. I hope you'll be much more happier than you are now, and I'll always be praying for your happiness. I thank you for everything, even for making me cry. Because without getting broken, I can never learn how to be stronger.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Sayang korang!.

Here it goes.

Warning: Wordy post ahead.

This being the last week of holidays, I have decided to utilize it to the maximum and I wanna enjoy it to the fullest because my first 2 weeks of holidays were basically, burnt. Today is Wednesday, which means I have had 3 eventful days! *TING*

Meeting was okay. *shrugs*
Results were awesome! ;) and I had a great time catching up with Nabby. I miss her so much, been so long since I met her. I hope we will go Pergas together, cause if we dont, we'll definitely wont see each other as much anymore!
Singapore Flyer was cool. It was my first time heh. Time passes fast ey.
Everything was awesome on Monday except for a few things, like Bird Shit. Want to know the story of Bird Shit, ask me.

Cycling lesson! and Arnolds with babes :)
Cycling wasnt easy as I thought. 2 hours definitely is not enough for me. I prolly need 2 days?

The Baywatch.
You know I have strong faith in our friendship. Right from Sec 1 till present, you are by far the only person who stood by me despite many obstacles that has happened so far. All the long phone call chats, webcamming session, shopping episodes, heart-to-heart talks, you know I love it so very much. But it doesnt beat how much I love you :)
True definition of bestfriend? Definitely :)
Make sure, pegi pasar geylang together when we are mak-chicks! ;)

The Crazy.
Whatever to our first impressions, I'm glad to be your friend! Your influence is really strong, your crazy influence. Even the way I talk now is a bit different. Training without you feels different. I like it when we sit down and talk, it makes me feel the friendship getting stronger, like literally :) In short, I love every moment with you, you bring joy to my life. You crack me up all the time, like every single time. Be it training, off-training, MSN, and anytime else. Thank you :) Remember, "kalau aku in a rough patch, kau one of the people that comes to my mind." Aku sayang kau!
But all I ask for, is for you to be truly happy :)

The Sugar.
You're so sweet, even sweeter than sugar tau tak! I still remember the time you gave me a smiley face donut together with a note. It really brighten up my day, it's as if it was a remedy. And all the messages that you sent after an event, it always bring a smile to my face. I look up to you as a sister, that is very understanding and always ever-ready to listen. Like yesterday :) Thanks for all the advices, for all the smiles, for all the encouragements. You're truly someone in my life right now :) Love you!

Shopping with my two best chinese girls! Okay, more like I'm the one who did the shopping. I think shopping's damn fun when all of us fork out money, not just me ;)
Nevertheless, I shopped for accessories!! Rings, bracelets and necklaces! I still want to shop! Who wants to follow me? :D
I still need pants and more clothes? Girls being girls heh.
Anyways, it was damn fun with the two girls. We talked and talked non-stop! Thanks Weiqi and Cat :)

So, left with a few more days.
Tomoro: Out with Kakak.
Friday: BBQ.
Sat & Sun: Work?

Today and yesterday made me feel cherish all the GIRL friends I have now. I love you all, even though I didnt mention your name. Because there's just too many of you :) From the bottomest of my heart, thank you very much and I LOVE YOU! :D

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 6:20 PM
afternoon nap.

(This was the scene I smiled to myself, awww!)

I had a two-hour afternoon nap just now. Man, it was awesome. I havent had an afternoon nap in the longest time! The only time I have afternoon nap is when I'm at home during afternoons, duh. And that means, I didnt go out today! :)

Tomoro means friendly match with TP. :S
I still need time to gather myself. I want motivational talk ar :(
The thing about me is... tak sanggup merembat dan dirembat.
*But who says I'm giving up ;)

DBA 14 is having a Christmas Party at Marcus' house. But I didnt go. Me? Christmas? NOOO.
I do not celebrate Christmas, sorry :)

Paru goreng sambal here I come!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 8:29 PM

It's 840pm and I dont have any idea what I should do. Watch online movie later perhaps?

Upcoming plans.
Cycling plan with babes. I'm super excited for this one, because I'm finally learning how to ride a bicycle!
Retail therapy plus hang out with my two best chinese girls(:
Dressing and dolling up game with Noneyy!
Paint living room and my bedroom *grins*
Collect madrasah results and lunch with Nabby darling!

That's about it so far.
I dont know why, but I think I just wasted 15 bucks just now. Sakura and Planet 51. Oh money.

I'm glad we are talking again. But, can you see I'm trying? Trying to restore back the friendship we had? Please, show me that my efforts are acknowledged, and I dont want to be in a situation where only one hand is clapping. As a friend, I'm concerned about you. So please, dont push me away. It hurts.
I want back the times where we were shy to look into each other's eyes.
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 12:06 AM


I have so much to share, but I'm too lazy/tired/whatever-nots to go elaborate on it. So pointform okay?

  1. Back from training camp. Great camp, despite aches and what-nots. Gained alot from this camp, and not only that. The camp was an eye-opener about some stuffs.
  2. Kakak got admitted to hospital yesterday night. Warded till this monday. Went to visit her just now after Mendaki briefing. Despite whatever happened, alhamdulilah she's fine, together with the baby. InsyAllah the baby will be born safely hopefully next year :)
  3. Tomoro working at Boon Keng. Tell me about it man.
  4. I found a male version of me, hehe.
  5. I need to start reading again.
  6. I miss shopping. I need retail therapy.
  7. I think I should sleep soon. Tomoro work ohhhh.

Adios amigos!

Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 9:25 AM


Timecheck: 930am.
I'll be leaving house in 2 hours time plus minus. For training camp. I dont know why, but I have this awful dreadful feeling, like I dont want to go for camp. Especially after watching 2012. I feel as if this time round, I will miss home terribly. I will miss my family. I dont know why. It's like I should spend more time with my family, but yet, I'm going off for camp. I feel so sad :(

And hell camp? Sigh. Positive mindset should be inside my head. Like what Syaf said lately, "it's all in the mindset". If I can survive through CI course, this should be okay for me. Right?

Noneyy tried to comfort me yesterday. "When you come home on Thursday, you can sleep through the whole day" Yes, I'll be looking forward to that.

Whatever it is, I will miss my family. I know I will be homesick. I know. I will miss my family. Fullstop.
Edited @ 1027am.
I JUST GOT TO KNOW MY FAMILY AND MY AUNTIE'S FAMILY IS GOING PORT DICKSON TOMORO! I'M UTTERLY SAD! My kakak also sad. So we're gonna msg each other if we are sad. Hahaha.